Wednesday, June 1, 2011

It's June... Do these trees look like they've grown together to you???

Seriously...  The landscaper guy told me these little guys would go through a massive growth spurt, and by June, would be completely filled in so I could take down the landscaping fabric I have stapled on the fence.

Yeah right.  I'm NOT paying for these dumb trees.  If he wants them back, he's gonna have to come dig 'em up and fill in the holes.  And furthermore, I'M not going to be the one to initiate the phone call to have this taken care of.  I wrote him a letter and told him I'd wait to see if the trees filled in by June.  Let's just see what kind of customer service the guy has.  Will he step up to the bat and take care of the problem or just pretend he's forgotten about me? (I'm betting on the latter).

And...  the ground finally dried up enough for Brian to dig out the drainage pipes the landscapers damaged when they planted the trees.  They'd knocked the box/diverter thingie off the ends of the pipes so the water was just gushing out at the end of the pipes and not traveling further down the back of the property as it should have been.  I haven't even been able to mow alongside these stupid trees because it was too squishy, and I was afraid I would get the mower stuck in the mud! 

Brian dug out a new 50' trench over the weekend and put in new black pipe to move the water along

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