Monday, April 4, 2011

The Landscaper's Response:

Here are the landscaper's excuses:

1.  I didn't tell him what I wanted.
2.  I'd misunderstood what he told me:  what I wanted wasn't possible unless he planted 20-year-old mature trees.

Excuse #1 pissed me off the most.  HONESTLY???  I asked him if he was SERIOUSLY telling me I gave him permission to plant whatever the hell HE wanted in my yard?

That's when he gave me excuse #2--which indicates he DID understand what I told him wanted.

Next, he told me the trees would grow together and make the solid block I wanted.  He'd calculated a 3-foot planting distance between each tree, but now that the extra trees are added they would grow together much quicker--within the next two months.  He asked if I could wait until the beginning of June.

When I got home, I realized the idiot was lying AGAIN!  My fence is only 68-feet long (which accounts for the nineteen 3.5-foot wide dwarf trees that were supposed to be planted).  Just the EMPTY PLANTING SPACE between 19 trees takes up FIFTY-SEVEN FEET!  That only leaves NINE FEET of space have planted nineteen trees????? 

I got the bill on Thursday.  I'll pay for the front landscaping, but I'm NOT paying for the trees until June--and only then IF they've grown together as he says they're going to.  If they don't, he's gonna be digging them up and hauling them away.

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