Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Guess why this lattice (aka "The Lattice Monster") is on the ground?

Because Annie stuck her head in one of the holes and ripped the damn thing off the deck trying to get loose!

She freaked out.  Her SCREAMS freaked me out.  The other dogs freaked out.  Oh, no...  she didn't just do a little yelp--she was screaming, non-stop at the top of her lungs.  It was not pretty. 

I was mostly worried about her breaking her legs rather than her choking to death because she was getting them tangled in the holes.  It took quite a bit of struggling with her to pull her head loose.  Bless her heart.  Afterwards, she was dripping blood all over the deck, but I couldn't find where the blood was coming from--at least not until I realized it was coming from me!!!  Oh, yeah...  she bit the crap out of me twice.  My thumb is sporting one really good puncture wound at the tip and partially under my nail, a nice little dent in said nail (which her tooth almost went through!) and two smaller little ouches (which are, of course, right in the crease of my knuckle so I get to enjoy the hurt every time I bend my thumb).

Thankfully, she's fine this morning.

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