Monday, September 26, 2011

Hummingbird vs. Preying Mantis


Earlier this summer, I found a little preying mantis in the basement.  I chased him down and took him outside.  A couple of weeks later, I found a preying mantis hanging out by the hummingbird feeders.  I wonder if it was the same one?DSCF4057

Anyway, a couple of weeks ago, I saw the hummingbirds interacting with him.  I went out and shooed them away from him because I thought they were aggravating him.  The next day, I read my newest “Birds and Blooms” magazine while I was eating lunch, and I was horrified to find that PREYING MANTISES (what’s the plural?) EAT HUMMINGBIRDS!!!

I couldn’t get out the door fast enough!!!  No stinking preying mantis was going to eat MY hummingbirds!

I scooped him up in a plastic McDonald’s cup and marched his little butt to the woods.  Granted, it’s a straight shot back to the feeders, but this lot is 2 acres, and I hoped the distance would confuse him (I guess it did since he hasn’t been back).

Mylo had eaten the rest of my sandwich by the time I got back in.

(YouTube has some awful video of humming birds getting attacked.)